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Selection by date of digitisation: 2019-04-01

Shelfmark Manuscript title Place of origin Date of origin Facsimile
Cod. Guelf. 265.9 Extrav. Johann Ludolf ab Indagine: Philosophischer Wegweiser 1764 Cod. Guelf. 265.9 Extrav. — Johann Ludolf ab Indagine: Philosophischer Wegweiser — 1764
Cod. Guelf. 554 Helmst. Nicolaus Stoer Northeim, Benediktinerkloster St. Blasius 1468 Cod. Guelf. 554 Helmst. — Nicolaus Stoer — Northeim, Benediktinerkloster St. Blasius, 1468
Cod. Guelf. 1297 Helmst. Preces circum festum Paschatis 14. Jh. Cod. Guelf. 1297 Helmst. — Preces circum festum Paschatis — 14. Jh.