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Selection by date of digitisation: 2019-09-09

Shelfmark Manuscript title Place of origin Date of origin Facsimile
Cod. Guelf. 30.1 Aug. 2° Juristische Sammelhandschrift Helmstedt, Augustiner-Chorfrauenstift Marienberg 1458–1470 Cod. Guelf. 30.1 Aug. 2° — Juristische Sammelhandschrift — Helmstedt, Augustiner-Chorfrauenstift Marienberg, 1458–1470
Cod. Guelf. 42.13 Aug. 2° Discipuli i. e. Johannis Herolt Quadragesimale Helmstedt, Augustiner-Chorfrauenstift St. Marienberg 15. Jh. (1434-1444) Cod. Guelf. 42.13 Aug. 2° — Discipuli i. e. Johannis Herolt Quadragesimale — Helmstedt, Augustiner-Chorfrauenstift St. Marienberg, 15. Jh. (1434-1444)