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Selection by date of digitisation: 2020-09-23

Shelfmark Manuscript title Place of origin Date of origin Facsimile
Bremen, SuUB, msb 0001 Psalterium 13. Jh., Anfang msb 0001 — Psalterium — 13. Jh., Anfang
Cod. Guelf. 718 Helmst. Sermo. Epistola de vitanda missa. Bruno Signiensis. Quaestio de sacramentis haereticorum. Etc. Hildesheim, Benediktinerinnenkloster Lamspringe 12. Jh., Ende Cod. Guelf. 718 Helmst. — Sermo. Epistola de vitanda missa. Bruno Signiensis. Quaestio de sacramentis haereticorum. Etc. — Hildesheim, Benediktinerinnenkloster Lamspringe, 12. Jh., Ende
Cod. Guelf. 903 Helmst. Augustinus. Gregorius I papa Hildesheim, Benediktinerinnenkloster Lamspringe 12. Jh., Ende Cod. Guelf. 903 Helmst. — Augustinus. Gregorius I papa — Hildesheim, Benediktinerinnenkloster Lamspringe, 12. Jh., Ende