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Selection by date of digitisation: 2022-01-25

Shelfmark Manuscript title Place of origin Date of origin Facsimile
Cod. Guelf. 761 Helmst. Bonaventura Südniedersachsen um 1475 Cod. Guelf. 761 Helmst. — Bonaventura — Südniedersachsen, um 1475
Cod. Guelf. 1020 Helmst. Innocentii III pape epistule tres. Thome de Capua summa dictaminis 13. u. 14. Jh. Cod. Guelf. 1020 Helmst. — Innocentii III pape epistule tres. Thome de Capua summa dictaminis — 13. u. 14. Jh.