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Brief 152


Dankesbrief für ein Marienbild — Thank-you letter for the gift of a devotional image of Mary

Kloster Lüne, Hs. 15, Lage 13, fol. 6v


Dank für erwiesene Wohltaten eines Gönners, vor allem für das schöne Bild der Himmelskaiserin. Die Vergeltung wird Gott anvertraut. Anempfehlung an das Herz Jesu.

A thank-you letter for various good deeds, expressing particular thanks for the gift of a devotional image of Mary as Queen of Heaven. However, the nuns refer to her as ‘Empress of Heaven’, possibly with the Imperatrix gloriosa sequence in mind which was used in the Votive Mass for the Virgin Mary on Saturdays in North German dioceses until liturgical reforms in the late sixteenth century. The sender promises that God will reward the recipient, as she writes that she is poor but, drawing on the words of Romans 10.22, God is rich in all things and, in allusion to the virgin St Agnes’ answer to a high-ranking young man’s proposal of marriage, that His wealth alone never fails. The sender also commends the recipient to the protection of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and prays that God may clothe her with a robe of everlasting joy. This image can also be found in Pierre de Blois’ twenty-third sermon on the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, although it is unclear whether the sender would have been in a position to draw it from that particular text.

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[Lage 13, fol. 6v]

1 Fontale profluvium eterne caritatis Jesum Christum dominationi
2 vestre pro favorabili salutamine preasscriptuma veneratione
3 cum condigna Venerabilis domine ymmo fautor michi in eodem utique
4 preamande. gratiarum actiones eximias et infinitas
5 refero benefice vestre dilectioni pro pulcherrima ycona
6 celice imperatricis1 michi transmissa que mihi supramodum fuit
7 grata. et quia tanta beneficia omnino recompensare non
8 possum ideoque defectum meum illi supplendum committo
9 qui extat dives in omnes,2 cuius et opes numquam deficiunt etc3
10 Cum his brevibus vestram colendissimam reverentiam precuctisb
11 mortalibus michi amantissimam devotissime recommendo
12 in cor Jesu Christi in quo valeatis feliciter et longeve.
13 Omnipotens Deus revestiet vos proinde stola perpetue iocunditatis4
14 et glorie et multiplici gratia in presenti.

Kritischer Apparat

a sonst nicht belegt, Neologismus entwickelt aus prescriptum

b zu korrigieren in precunctis


1 In den Messbüchern mehrerer norddeutscher Diözesen, darunter Hildesheim, gab es zur Votivmesse ‚de S. Maria in sabbato‘ (an den festfreien Samstagen von Pfingsten bis zum ersten Advent, Introitus ‚Salve, sancta parens‘) eine Sequenz ‚Imperatrix gloriosa‘, vgl. AH, Bd. 54, S. 352, Nr. 221, von der auch im ‚Reformbericht‘ des Klosters Lüne die Rede ist (S. 114).

2 Rm 10,22.

3 Aus der Antwort der hl. Agnes an den Sohn des Präfekten, der sie gerne geheiratet hätte: Ad haec beata Agnes tale fertur iuveni dedisse responsum: „Discede a me […], quia iam ab alio amatore praeventa sum, qui mihi satis meliora obtulit ornamenta […], cuius mater virgo est, cuius pater feminam nescit, cui angeli serviunt, cuius pulchritudinem sol et luna mirantur, cuius odore reviviscunt mortui, cuius tactu confortantur infirmi, cuius opes numquam deficiunt […], vgl. S. Ambrosius Mediolanensis (incertus), ep. 1,3, in: Migne PL 17, Sp. 736.

4 Eine stola perpetuae iocunditatis gibt es bei Petrus Blesensis, Sermo XXXIII in Assumptione beatae Mariae, in: Migne PL 207, Sp. 663, ob die Nonnen sie dort gefunden haben, erscheint aber zweifelhaft, ein Brevierautor ist Peter von Blois zumindest nicht.

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