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Brief 97

Nonne im Kloster Lüne an ihren Onkel Gronse


Dankesbrief — Thank-you letter

Kloster Lüne, Hs. 15, Lage 9, fol. 6v


Die Absenderin dankt ihrem Onkel für die Unterstützung bei der Wahl von Propst Nikolaus Schomaker. Er wurde von den Nonnen einstimmig gewählt und bewähre sich als hervorragender Hirte. Gott möge ihm seine Mühen lohnen.

A nun thanks her uncle, a priest, for his support in the election of Provost Nikolaus Schomaker, which had taken place on 17 June 1493, the day that Provost Nikolaus Graurock died, in the presence of six members of the town council of Lüne. He was elected unanimously by the nuns and is proving to be a good shepherd who feeds his sheep with the spiritual food of the Word of God (an image drawn from the writings of St Gregory the Great). She prays that God may repay her uncle for his efforts with both His grace in this world and the eternal bliss evoked in St Bernard of Clairvaux’ Sermon on the Song of Solomon in the next. Drawing on the heavenly rewards promised to the faithful in Revelation, Isaiah, Jesus Sirach and 1 Corinthians, she prays that her uncle may receive comfort in Heaven, smell its sweet odours and see God face to face instead of through a veil.

[Ansicht mit Digitalisat][Zur diplomatischen Ansicht]
[Lage 9, fol. 6v]

In Christo Jesu regi summo, quem omnis sacra et dilecta civitas Jerusalem trinum et unum Deum iugi laude predicat, debitam reverentiam cum devotis orationibus in linea consanguinee caritatis!

Reverende in Christo pater et domine, domine Gronse, ymmo avuncule preamande, discretioni vestre venerande ex fundo cordis mei libenter exsolverem condignas gratiarum actiones pro immensis beneficiis michi, filie vestre, sepe exhibitis, presertim pro maxima benivolentia ac diligenti cura simul et saniori consilio nobis impenso in electione venerandi domini nostri prepositi ac pii patris nostri Nicolai, que vere instinctu almi flaminis elegimus in pastorem una quidem voce, uno corde et pari consensu,1 qui nobis paterne et [Lage 9, fol. 7r] pie preest procurando nos satis sollicite, non solum in hiis, que spectant ad corporum indigentiam, verum etiam in sacre religionis profectu multa diligentia laborat, pabulum spiritualea verbi Dei2 nobis adminstrando, per quod animas nostras sepe pascit et corda nostra salutari sua doctrina refocillat. Ea propter honor, laus et gloria sit altissimo Deo per secula.

Et quia ego tantilla, prochdolor, paternitati vestre nequeo respondere dignis meritis et gratiarum actionibus, respondeat pro me rex immense maiestatis sedens in supremo gemmato throno ac omnia nova faciens, ille suppleat defectum meum pater- [Lage 9, fol. 7v] nitati vestre Gronse cuncta beneficia millecuplum remunerando per superaffluentem gratiam suam in presenti ac in futuro, per gloriam eternam in illa eterna beatitudine, ubi delicie affluunt,3 ubi premia non deficiunt, ubi prope absterget omnem lacrimam ab oculis sanctorum, et amplius non erit neque luctus neque clamor etc.,4 ut ibi pro labore hic habito ac pro variis incommodis et tribulationibus causa subditorum perpessis requiescere valeatis in herbis virentibus et pascuis pinguibus paradysiace amenitatis, ubi odor cynamomi et balsami ac totius suavitatis spirat,5 ibique ipsum regem glorie in decore suo oculo ad oculum,6 facie ad faciem mereamini contemplare sine velamento.7

Cum hiis etc.

Kritischer Apparat

a in der Hs. spiritale


1 Zur einstimmigen Wahl des Nikolaus Schomaker am 17. Juni 1493, die am Todestag des Nikolaus Graurock stattfand vgl. das notarielle Protokoll in UB Lüne, Nr. 641. Dem Wahlakt hatten die Ratsherren Cord Lange, Detmar Sanckenstede, Dietrich Doring, Johan Schneverding, Johannes Garlop und Hartwig Schomaker beigewohnt.

2 Das pabulum verbi gibt es z. B. in Gregorius I, Moralia, lib. 6, c. 29; lib. 13, c. 14; lib. 16, c. 53 (olim 25); Moralia II, lib. 31, c. 3 (olim 2), in: Migne PL 75, Sp. 754; 1025; 1152; Migne PL 76, Sp. 573.

3 Gillebertus de Hoilandia (continuator sermonum sancti Bernhardi Claraevallensis), Sermones in Canticum Salomonis, n 2, c. 4, in: PL 184, Sp. 17: In lectulo communi affluunt illi deliciae quaedam de praesentia sponsi.

4 Apc 21,4.

5 Sir 24,20.

6 Is 52,8.

7 1.Cor 13,12.

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