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Brief 186

Nonne im Kloster Lüne an eine Nonne in einem anderen Kloster

Samstag vor Palmarum, unbekanntes Jahr

Bitte um Fürsprache — Request for intercessions

Kloster Lüne, Hs. 15, Lage 15, fol. 5r

Lateinisch und Niederdeutsch.

Die Absenderin antwortet der Empfängerin auf deren Bitte, dass ihr Propst sich für ihre Sache einsetzen würde. Er sei dazu bereit und sie wolle sich selbst gern dafür einsetzen, dass er die Angelegenheit weiter verfolge, bis sie zu einem guten Ende gekommen sei. Könnte sie ihr mit den Kräften von Leib und Seele helfen, würde sie das gern tun, wenn sie die Ortsentfernung nicht hindere; ebenso Schwester Gertrud Garlop. Sie wollten auf ihren Tröster vertrauen. Der Propst lässt für das Fässchen Bier danken, dass die Empfängerin ihm geschickt hatte. Der Quell der Güte möge sie dafür belohnen.

The recipient had asked the writer to ask her provost to intervene in a certain matter on her behalf. The writer states that she knows that he is ready to do so, and that she would gladly ask him to continue to pursue the matter until it reaches a good conclusion. She states that she would willingly help with all her strength in body and soul, were it not for the distance between them, as would her fellow nun Gertrud Garlop. She writes that, instead, they will place their trust in Jesus, their comforter, and comforts the recipient with verses from Psalm 33 which state that the just suffer many tribulations and that God will stand with those who are troubled in heart. Drawing on the hymn Pascha nostra epulamus and the words of Psalm 36, she prays that Jesus will comfort the recipient in this life and that, like the Israelites who crossed the Red Sea, she may be led into the Promised Land of Heaven and be filled from the well of life, in which she will see the light of the Holy Trinity. She reports that the provost sends his thanks for the barrel of beer which benefitted him and the nuns, and that he prays that the source of all grace may reward them for doing so. She sends regards in the name of Christ as the comforter.

[Ansicht mit Digitalisat][Zur diplomatischen Ansicht]
[Lage 15, fol. 5r]

[I]na interiori homine per compassionem hoc sentire quod et in Christo Jesu, venerabilis domina michi in eodem crucifixo sponso nostro intime preamanda!

Notifico venerabilitati vestre me omnipotentis Dei favore sanam esse et incolumen cum omnibus michi commissis; similia etiam opto rescire a vobis tempore longevo.

Ceterum N, uti venerabilitas vestra affectat a me, dat ik venerabilem dominum nostrum prepositum wolde bydden, dat he suam diligentiam wolde don in causa vestra, dar weth ik en gudwillich inne, unde will reverentiam suam libenter vordan bydden, dat he dar causa Dei willen inne perseueren, quousque Deo largiente ad bonum salutaremque finem pervenerit; Deo constatb, konde ik juw totis viribus corporis et anime helpen, si distantia loci non impediret, hoc ex fundo cordis libenter facerem, similiter nostra dilecta Gertrud Garlop, de is non minus sollicita per vos, quam si corporaliter vobiscum existeret, et vestra tribulatio est nobis ita penalis, quam nobis sit propria. Sed confidimus in eum, qui est spes desperatorum, solamen miserorum, dat de juwe consolator wille syn unde wil juw miro modo consoleren quemadmodum ille expertus, qui dixit: „Multe tribulationes iustorum etc.“1 Item: „Iuxta est dominus his qui tribulato sunt corde.“2 Dar up gevet juw ad pacem unde wat wy in aridis nostris oratiunculis don kont apud Deum et omnes sanctos, dar wil we libenter inne perseueren licet immerite.

Item venerabilis N, reverendus dominus noster prepositus innumeras grates refert venerabilitati vestre pro tunna servitie3 sibi transmissa que valde grata sibi fuit et nos una cum ipso cordintime regratiamur pro illa nobis destinata. Fons inundantis pietatis, qui est origo summe bonitatis refocillare dignetur reverentiam vestram suavitate mire dulcedinis ac consolationis, que hoc in tempore undique ex apertis vulneribus ac visceribus suis habundanter effluxit et adhuc effluit, ut inde recreata sacratissimum tempus illius venerande passionis valeatis peragere per intimam compassionem ita peragere, ut cum ipso in die resurrexionis sue mereamini gloriare in azimis sinceritatis et veritatis in presenti ac post modum mari rubro4 [Lage 15, fol. 5v] huius mortalitatis transito in terra promissionis lacte et melle manante eternaliter mereamini satiari ab ipso fonte vite in cuius lumine videbimus lumen inaccessibile sicut speculumc adorande Trinitatis.5

Nil plus etc.

Cum his valeatis reverentia vestra in eodem crucifixo sponso nostro, qui merito passionis sue adiutor et defensor vester existere dignetur in omnibus vestris tribulationibus. Amen.

Raptim ex Lune sabbato ante palmarum.

Kritischer Apparat

a Textergänzung in mg. durch Nolte mit Bleistift I

b in der Hs. constant

c folgt überschüssig speculum


1 Ps 33,20.

2 Ps 33,19.

3 Die Nonnen hatten dem Propst ein Tönnchen Bier geschickt.

4 Pascha nostra epulamus: geschöpft aus 1.Cor 5,7-8.

5 Ps 36,9-10.

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