Einträge in der Handschriftendokumentation für: Cod. Guelf. 100 Gud. graec.
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- rec. Frid. Adolfus Ebert. Bibliothecae Guelferbytanae codices Graeci et Latini classici. Zur Handschriftenkunde. von Friedrich Adolf Ebert. 1827 [¬Die¬ Bildung des Bibliothekars ; 2,2] [mehr]
Signatur HS 09-0519:2 Bemerkungen S. 1 (47 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 1, 17, 22, 65, 80, 101, 126, 129 (77 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 2 (88 Gud. graec. ; 71 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 4f. (294 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 16 (259.1 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 16, 90, 132, 155 (163 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 17 (38 Gud. graec. ; 53 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 18 (95 Gud. graec. ; 12 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 19, 22, 65, 67, 113 (14 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 22, 86, 131, 139, 164 (26 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 22f. (24 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 24, 86, 127, 149 (299 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 27 (51 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 29, 100 (98 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 30 (44 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 30, 63, 78, 114 (18 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 30, 85 (87 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 33 (104.2 Gud. graec. ; 28 Gud. graec. ; 243.4 Extrav 4°) ; ¶S. 33, 130 (92 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 37f. (4 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 38f. (138 Blank.) ; ¶S. 39 (240.1 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 44 (43 Gud. graec. ; 105 Gud. graec. ; 50 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 45 (10 Gud. graec. ; 17 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 51f. (265.2 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 57-59 (265.3 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 59, 62, 109 (126.1 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 61 (221.4 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 62 (239.1 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 63, 128f. (82 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 64 (108 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 68 (46 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 68, 131 (1 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 69f., 159 (93 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 70 (127.10 Extrav. ; 290 Extrav. ; 85 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 71 (100 Gud. graec. ; 89 Gud. graec. ; 15 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 74, 114 (105.2 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 75 (11 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 75, 125 (7 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 75, 126 (8 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 76 (69 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 77 (48 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 78 (37 Gud. graec. ; 86 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 79 (54 Gud. graec. ; 73 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 79f., 115, 163, 179 (102 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 79f., 112, 114 (20 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 81 (112 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 81, 163 (114 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 84 (72 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 84f., 96f., 114, 116f., 130, 156 (97 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 85 (84 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 86f., 94 (6 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 87 (19 Gud. graec. ; 13 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 88 (94 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 89 (228 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 93 (42 Gud. graec. ; 41 Gud. graec. ; 115 Extrav. ; 14 Blank.) ; ¶S. 94 (40 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 94f. (16 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 96f. (75 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 100 (22 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 100, 115f., 118 (91 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 101, 108, 159 (104 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 107 (27 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 108 (268 Extrav. ; 275.2 Extrav. ; 112.1 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 110 (83 Gud. graec. ; 78 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 110, 165 (35 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 112 (39 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 113 (49 Gud. graec. ; 99 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 114 (55 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 115 (36 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 115f. (45 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 115, 144f. (101 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 117 (96 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 119 (260 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 119f., 128 (264.12 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 121, 125 (86.3 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 126 (5 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 128 (25 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 130 (29 Gud. graec , 30 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 131f. (34 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 131, 158 (301 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 134 (160.1 Extrav. ; 23 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 136 (3 Gud. graec. ; 113 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 137 (140 Blank.) ; ¶S. 139 (74 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 140 (70 Gud. graec. ; 9 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 141 (2 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 143 (149 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 144 (275.10 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 145 (79 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 156 (64.7 Aug. 8°) ; ¶S. 157 (256.2 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 159 (149.20 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 163 (80 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 164 (90 Gud. graec. ; 52 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 165 (97.1 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 173 (207.4 Extrav.) ; ¶s. auch Titelsatz-Doublette für weitere Handschriften Weitere erwähnte Hss. Cod. Guelf. 14 Blank., Cod. Guelf. 138 Blank., Cod. Guelf. 140 Blank., Cod. Guelf. 86.3 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 108 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 112.1 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 115 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 126.1 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 127.10 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 149 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 149.20 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 160.1 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 163 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 207.4 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 221.4 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 228 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 239.1 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 240.1 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 243.4 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 256.2 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 259.1 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 260 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 264.12 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 265.2 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 265.3 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 268 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 275.2 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 275.10 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 290 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 294 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 299 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 301 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 1 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 2 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 3 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 4 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 5 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 6 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 9 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 10 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 11 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 12 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 13 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 14 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 15 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 16 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 17 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 18 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 19 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 20 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 22 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 23 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 24 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 25 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 26 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 27 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 28 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 29 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 30 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 34 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 35 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 36 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 37 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 38 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 39 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 40 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 41 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 42 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 43 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 44 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 45 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 46 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 47 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 48 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 49 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 50 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 51 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 52 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 53 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 54 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 55 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 69 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 70 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 71 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 72 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 73 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 74 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 75 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 77 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 78 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 79 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 80 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 82 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 83 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 84 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 85 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 86 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 87 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 88 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 89 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 90 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 91 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 92 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 93 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 94 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 95 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 96 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 97 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 97.1 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 98 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 99 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 101 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 102 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 104 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 104.2 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 105 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 105.2 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 112 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 113 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 114 Gud. graec. - Vaggione, Richard P.: An Appeal to Antiquity : the seventeenth and eighteenth century manuscripts of the Heretic Eunomius. [Cambridge], 1985 [mehr]
Signatur H8° 875.243 Weitere erwähnte Hss. Cod. Guelf. 85 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 89 Gud. graec. - Horváth, Eva: Marquard Gudes Gottorper Handschriften : ein Beitrag zu ihrer Geschichte. In: Wolfenbütteler Beiträge : aus den Schätzen der Herzog August Bibliothek 7 (1987) [mehr]
Signatur HS 90-1950 Signatur H8° 875.273 Bemerkungen S. 133 (35 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 134 (39 Gud. graec. ; 42 Gud. graec. ; 48 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 135 (48 Gud. graec. ; 49 Gud. graec. ; 54 Gud. graec. ; 69 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 136 (73 Gud. graec. ; 83 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 137 (39 Gud. graec. ; 85 Gud. graec. ; 86 Gud. graec. ; 90 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 138 (95 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 139 (98 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 140 (100 Gud. graec. ; 102 Gud. graec. ; 104 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 141, 142 (96 Gud. lat.) ; ¶S. 143 (212 Gud. lat.) ; ¶S. 144 (299 Gud. lat.) ; ¶S. 145 (301 Gud. lat.) ; ¶S. 146 (331 Gud. lat. ; 335 Gud. lat.) ; ¶S. 147 (331 Gud. lat.) Weitere erwähnte Hss. Cod. Guelf. 35 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 39 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 42 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 48 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 49 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 54 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 69 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 73 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 83 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 85 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 86 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 90 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 95 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 98 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 102 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 104 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 96 Gud. lat., Cod. Guelf. 212 Gud. lat., Cod. Guelf. 299 Gud. lat., Cod. Guelf. 301 Gud. lat., Cod. Guelf. 331 Gud. lat., Cod. Guelf. 335 Gud. lat.