Einträge in der Handschriftendokumentation für: Cod. Guelf. 1064 Helmst.
Weitere Titel im OPAC suchen
- [mehr] : Augustinian Theology of the 14th century : notes on editions, marginalia, opinions and book-lore. Louvain: Nova et vetera, 1956
- Scriptorium : revue internationale des études relatives aux manuscrits 15 (1961) 212 [mehr] : Augustinian theology of the 14th century. In:
- [mehr] . The influence of prophecy in the later Middle Ages : a study in Joachimism. In: Scriptorium 25 (1971) 373-375
- [mehr] : The influence of prophecy in the later Middle Ages : a study in Joachimism. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1993