"121 Blank.¶1.A.H. ¶971 Poll-tax register for Tutinçe.¶ ? Kopfsteuer¶Folios: 31. Siyáqat Schrift.¶Date of writing: 21 Rabí' II 972.¶Ref.: Fekete, Siyáqat Schrift, Vol. 1.¶2. A.H. 980¶Register of the customs on sheep for the district of Ginád¶Folios: 10 Siyáqat Schrift.¶Date of writing: First 10 days of the month of Tumada II, 981.¶3. A.H. 987¶Poll-Tax register of the province of Simelpek (?)¶Folios: 319 Siyáqat Schrift.¶Ex libris Ludwig Rudolf.¶Date of writing: 16 Rajab 988.¶+ 2 folios - notes on Syriac.¶4.a. A.H. 989¶Register of the customs on sheep of Çabiq¶Folios: 5 Siyáqat¶Date of writing: 19 Sabar 990.¶4.b.¶Another register, imperfect, without beginning and end. ? Poll-tax.¶Folios: 8¶4.c.¶Register of the customs on sheep (?) of the district of Páçiq¶Folios: 2. No date. ¶5. A.H. 991¶Poll-tax register for the province of Lipova.¶Folios: 28. Siyáqat¶Date of writing: Nor given.¶6. A.H. 997¶Register of the customs on sheep for the district of Lipova.¶Folios: 12. Siyáqat¶Date of writing: First 10 days of Tumádá II, 998.¶7. A.H. 999¶Register of the customs on sheep for the district of Paçiq¶Folios: 14 Siyáqat¶Date of writing: First 10 days of Rajab 1000." |