Einträge in der Handschriftendokumentation für: Cod. Guelf. 140 Blank.
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- rec. Frid. Adolfus Ebert. Bibliothecae Guelferbytanae codices Graeci et Latini classici. Zur Handschriftenkunde. von Friedrich Adolf Ebert. 1827 [¬Die¬ Bildung des Bibliothekars ; 2,2] [mehr]
Signatur HS 09-0519:2 Bemerkungen S. 1 (47 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 1, 17, 22, 65, 80, 101, 126, 129 (77 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 2 (88 Gud. graec. ; 71 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 4f. (294 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 16 (259.1 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 16, 90, 132, 155 (163 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 17 (38 Gud. graec. ; 53 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 18 (95 Gud. graec. ; 12 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 19, 22, 65, 67, 113 (14 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 22, 86, 131, 139, 164 (26 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 22f. (24 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 24, 86, 127, 149 (299 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 27 (51 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 29, 100 (98 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 30 (44 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 30, 63, 78, 114 (18 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 30, 85 (87 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 33 (104.2 Gud. graec. ; 28 Gud. graec. ; 243.4 Extrav 4°) ; ¶S. 33, 130 (92 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 37f. (4 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 38f. (138 Blank.) ; ¶S. 39 (240.1 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 44 (43 Gud. graec. ; 105 Gud. graec. ; 50 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 45 (10 Gud. graec. ; 17 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 51f. (265.2 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 57-59 (265.3 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 59, 62, 109 (126.1 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 61 (221.4 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 62 (239.1 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 63, 128f. (82 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 64 (108 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 68 (46 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 68, 131 (1 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 69f., 159 (93 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 70 (127.10 Extrav. ; 290 Extrav. ; 85 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 71 (100 Gud. graec. ; 89 Gud. graec. ; 15 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 74, 114 (105.2 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 75 (11 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 75, 125 (7 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 75, 126 (8 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 76 (69 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 77 (48 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 78 (37 Gud. graec. ; 86 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 79 (54 Gud. graec. ; 73 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 79f., 115, 163, 179 (102 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 79f., 112, 114 (20 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 81 (112 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 81, 163 (114 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 84 (72 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 84f., 96f., 114, 116f., 130, 156 (97 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 85 (84 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 86f., 94 (6 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 87 (19 Gud. graec. ; 13 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 88 (94 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 89 (228 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 93 (42 Gud. graec. ; 41 Gud. graec. ; 115 Extrav. ; 14 Blank.) ; ¶S. 94 (40 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 94f. (16 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 96f. (75 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 100 (22 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 100, 115f., 118 (91 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 101, 108, 159 (104 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 107 (27 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 108 (268 Extrav. ; 275.2 Extrav. ; 112.1 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 110 (83 Gud. graec. ; 78 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 110, 165 (35 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 112 (39 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 113 (49 Gud. graec. ; 99 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 114 (55 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 115 (36 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 115f. (45 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 115, 144f. (101 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 117 (96 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 119 (260 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 119f., 128 (264.12 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 121, 125 (86.3 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 126 (5 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 128 (25 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 130 (29 Gud. graec , 30 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 131f. (34 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 131, 158 (301 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 134 (160.1 Extrav. ; 23 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 136 (3 Gud. graec. ; 113 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 137 (140 Blank.) ; ¶S. 139 (74 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 140 (70 Gud. graec. ; 9 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 141 (2 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 143 (149 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 144 (275.10 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 145 (79 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 156 (64.7 Aug. 8°) ; ¶S. 157 (256.2 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 159 (149.20 Extrav.) ; ¶S. 163 (80 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 164 (90 Gud. graec. ; 52 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 165 (97.1 Gud. graec.) ; ¶S. 173 (207.4 Extrav.) ; ¶s. auch Titelsatz-Doublette für weitere Handschriften Weitere erwähnte Hss. Cod. Guelf. 14 Blank., Cod. Guelf. 138 Blank., Cod. Guelf. 86.3 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 108 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 112.1 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 115 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 126.1 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 127.10 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 149 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 149.20 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 160.1 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 163 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 207.4 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 221.4 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 228 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 239.1 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 240.1 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 243.4 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 256.2 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 259.1 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 260 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 264.12 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 265.2 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 265.3 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 268 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 275.2 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 275.10 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 290 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 294 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 299 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 301 Extrav., Cod. Guelf. 1 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 2 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 3 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 4 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 5 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 6 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 9 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 10 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 11 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 12 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 13 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 14 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 15 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 16 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 17 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 18 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 19 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 20 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 22 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 23 Gud. graec., Cod. 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Guelf. 75 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 77 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 78 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 79 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 80 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 82 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 83 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 84 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 85 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 86 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 87 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 88 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 89 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 90 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 91 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 92 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 93 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 94 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 95 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 96 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 97 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 97.1 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 98 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 99 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 100 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 101 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 102 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 104 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 104.2 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 105 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 105.2 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 112 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 113 Gud. graec., Cod. Guelf. 114 Gud. graec. - Priscian, "institutiones grammaticae" : a handlist of manuscripts. In: Scriptorium : revue internationale des études relatives aux manuscrits 26 (1972) 105-129 [mehr]
Signatur HS 90-1800 Bemerkungen S. 123 Weitere erwähnte Hss. Cod. Guelf. 85.7 Aug. 2°, Cod. Guelf. 64 Gud. lat., Cod. Guelf. 217 Gud. lat., Cod. Guelf. 244 Gud. lat., Cod. Guelf. 516 Helmst., Cod. Guelf. 50 Weiss. - Passalacqua, Marina: I codici di Prisciano. Roma: Ed. di Storia e Letteratura, 1978 [Sussidi eruditi ; 29] [mehr]
Signatur HS 40-6050 Bemerkungen S. 364 (4.11 Aug. 4°) ; ¶S. 364f. (22.4 Aug. 4°) ; ¶S. 365f. (50 Weiss.) ; ¶S. 366 (56.3.3 Aug. 4° ; 64 Gud. lat.) ; ¶S. 367 (85.7 Aug. 2°) ; ¶S. 367-369 (132 Gud. lat.) ; ¶S. 368 f. (140 Blank.) ; ¶S. 369 (217 Gud. lat. ; 244 Gud. lat.) ; ¶S. 369 f. (516 Helmst.) Weitere erwähnte Hss. Cod. Guelf. 4.11 Aug. 4°, Cod. Guelf. 22.4 Aug. 4°, Cod. Guelf. 56.3.3 Aug. 4°, Cod. Guelf. 85.7 Aug. 2°, Cod. Guelf. 64 Gud. lat., Cod. Guelf. 132 Gud. lat., Cod. Guelf. 217 Gud. lat., Cod. Guelf. 244 Gud. lat., Cod. Guelf. 516 Helmst., Cod. Guelf. 50 Weiss. - Bursill-Hall, Geoffrey L.: A census of medieval Latin grammatical manuscripts. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog, 1981 [Grammatica speculativa ; 4] [mehr]
- unter Mitarb. von Nikolaus Henkel hrsg. von Heimo Reinitzer. Deutsche Bibelübersetzungen des Mittelalters : Beiträge eines Kolloquiums im Deutschen Bibel-Archiv. Bern: Lang, 1991 [Vestigia Bibliae ; 9/10] [mehr]